June 28, 2021

Liz Sevigny – Alumni Spotlight

Sevigny attended the seminar in 2017 as a representative from Deering High School. They are working on a double major in Computer Science and East Asian Studies at Mount Holyoke College with an anticipated graduation in 2023.

Sevigny is a newly elected International Trustee for Circle K International, the worlds premier collegiate service and leadership organization. They are also a tech intern at Liberty Mutual Insurance.

They took the time to answer some questions about his Maine Youth Leadership experience and how it has impacted their life. Keep reading to learn more about this outstanding alum.

How do you show the MYL pillar of volunteerism in your daily life?

Everything we do in life is either giving or taking. In such, I try to focus on the former whether it be my time, energy, or resources. I’ve devoted myself to the Kiwanis Family in Key Club and now Circle K which both emphasize service and leadership.

How do you show the MYL pillar of leadership in your daily life?

Leadership to me is your influence regardless of the official titles we hold.

How would you say MYL impacted your trajectory in life? 

MYL taught me that I can bring my whole self into a space and still be worthy of respect and love. It’s given me a support system in all my past JCs, MCs, and other alums.

What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

I want to leave people with the knowledge that our past doesn’t have to define us. We can change, grow, and make amends to grow into the newest version of ourselves that gives more and takes less.

What is your fondest memory from your MYL experience?

I have too many! Some of my favorites include JC cuddle puddles on the last night or whenever we get a big chant going!

What gives you hope?

Youth. Youth are doing amazing things to deal with the world that was handed to us, so hopefully others will catch on and start investing more into our futures.

What gets you particularly fired up?

A high energy playlist! Mine are all fantastic Korean songs that never fail to get me dancing around my kitchen!

How does your MYL experience impact your everyday work and/or life?

I’m constantly reminding myself of how creating at least an internal “no judgement zone” can make more space for creativity and joy. I also remember the Game of Life and how our circumstances should not be taken at face value because privilege impacts how we walk in the world.

Any fun hobbies?

Maybe it doesn’t count as a hobby right now since it’s what I’m studying, but I LOVE language learning. I’m currently studying Mandarin and Korean, and I used to study French during middle and high school. Being able to communicate with people beyond the English language barrier can add so much richness to life!

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